In the life of the church there are three levels of authoritative documents. Within the Free Methodist Church we define the three levels in this way:
First Level is the BOOK OF DISCIPLINE: Official documents approved by the delegates at the General Conference.
Second Level is the STUDY COMMISSION ON DOCTRINE: Guidance provided to the church by those assigned the task. These are not personal opinions, but are vetted by scholars who have various expertise. Though not binding on the church, they are meant to be helpful scholarly works.
Third Level is this FREE METHODIST CONVERSATIONS. This online discussion is where various individuals express their own opinions about a variety of issues. These are not authoritative, nor are they necessarily meant as guidance, but God may use them to do so. There are SCOD documents on this site and the members of the SCOD will be participants. We are inviting the entire church to join the discussion.
Our intention is not to limit discussion but to elevate it by assuring that God’s love and respect is always expressed. We will therefore post those comments which further our mutual understanding and assure that every person is being treated with dignity even when disagreement is being voiced. Specifically:
- The SCOD encourages respectful, intelligent and impassioned discussion and debate.
- The SCOD encourages a Wesleyan method of looking at the topic from a Scriptural perspective as well as that of Reason, Tradition and Experience. We recognize the Revelation of God in Scripture is our primary source of truth, with Reason, Tradition and Experience serving as supportive resources.
- Any personal attack will keep the entire comment from being posted. This includes not only attacking others within this SCOD conversation but anyone within the larger secular or Christian world.
- Any libelous, defamatory, profane, vulgar, threatening, harassing abusive, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable comments will not be posted.
- Any invasion of another’s privacy or any post that emulates or pretends to be someone else will not be posted.
- This online conversation is not to be used to solicit or advertise personal blogs.
The SCOD, in our sole discretion, retains the right to remove individual posts or to revoke the access privileges of anyone who we believe has violated any of these standards.
For more informal conversations with Free Methodists:
LIGHT AND LIFE MAGAZINE – Facebook page – Online Issues
FM RADIO – Facebook page or iTune episodes
If there are any questions contact our moderator, Dr. Denny Wayman: dwayman@fmcsb.org.